Sunday, June 24

Walking in Memphis (Memphis, TN)

No journal today, but here are some pictures from our day off in Memphis:

On top of the Peabody Hotel, looking out over the Mississippi to Arkansas (Liz, Anita, Jochem)

Ducks at the Peabody (Me, Anita, Liz)

Downtown Memphis (the nice touristy part)

Moon Pie sundaes at the Center for Southern Folklore (Liz and me)

Most importantly, Andrew was walking in Memphis today, too. Saying goodbye at our host church, Georgetown UM.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea for the Peabody. I stayed there about 20 years ago. There were a couple hundred people watching the daily march of the ducks from the roof top, down the elevator and into the fountain. At that time the original duck keeper had been doing this for upteen years and was very old. I guess he has died by now and they have a new guy. I hope the tradition goes on forever because it is soo cool.
