Sunday, June 24

Rain and Ozarks (Mountain View, AR)

Finally came across Waldenburg, Population 80 (rainy)

Armadillo country now (playing dead??)

Somehow seems to capture everyone's personality... (Zach, Molly P, Andy, Yvonne, Tony, Mary Olive)

Lee Anne shows off her hat from the Dollar General

*Post to come! Check for new posts below! (Going back to Sewanee)

Bike odometer: 1303 miles


Unknown said...


You are doing a great job with photos and updates. All who are following this adventure are so grateful! Your group has such strength and determination. We at home can only guess what you are accomplishing each day. Keep it up. CVH's mom

Mia said...

What an awesome trip, Meredith! I can't believe you've biked 1303 miles already! Hope you have a great rest of the trip!