Wednesday, June 6

Blue Ridge Parkway! (Asheville, NC)

Oh man, another killer day. We hoped today would be a little gentler and allow for some recovery (tomorrow's supposed to be the hardest route yet), but it turned out longer (78 miles) and hillier than expected. We're all having a really tough time, and most people didn't arrive in Asheville til 6-7:30pm. I've grown big blisters on the backs of my heels from all the walking I've been doing! Here are a few pictures from positive moments of the day...we were mostly on the Blue Ridge Parkway, which gave us gorgeous views, and after climbing up to 5200 feet we came off the ridge down ten miles of hill going up to 37 mph. Tonight we're staying at one of the YMCA's in Asheville, and I'm about to collapse for some badly needed sleep.

Early morning countryside, going up to the parkway

Queen of the world!

We came across some horses and Ryan got a little friendly with them. We tried feeding them one of the "100% Greens and Whey Protein" bars that Whole Foods donated to us, but even the horses spit them out.

Go Vandy

PS- Thanks for the comments, Anna & Statt and Mr. Click!


Unknown said...

Hi Meredith!
Thanks so much for your comments and pictures. We follow everyone's blogs every day and are always excited to read the latest. Your pictures are great and give us a better feel for who everyone is! Have a good and safe ride to Gatlinburg. Hug Vandy for us!
Kathy Vanderpool

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about you all day on your Asheville to Gatlinburg leg. I remember taking the car was rough to Maggie Valley, then Cherokee, and then through the Smokey Mountain National Park. I cannot believe you are doing this on a bike! At least the final leg into Gatlinburg will be downhill. You are probably still riding as I write this. Our prayers are with you today.


John Derrick said...

Umm, Ryan, "animal husbandry" doesn't mean you actually... oh, nevermind....