Friday, June 29

Some much needed R&R (Bartlesville, OK)

**New Journal!**
Today is listed as a Build Day on our calendar, but unfortunately we had some communication problems with the Bartlesville chapter of Habitat for Humanity and we weren't able to schedule any work. In the long run, however, having an extra day of rest and time to catch up on much-needed bike maintenence will help us out a lot, and we've had more time to appreciate Bartlesville, too. After an awesome breakfast provided by the church, Jochem and I headed over to the local bike shop where I bought new tires and a tailight for extra visibility in the rain. All of our tires are pretty worn out and I've had about six flats recently, so I'm pretty excited about my shiny new tires. I also bought some arm warmers and leg warmers off of Mike (Lizzie, I wish I'd kept the ones you bought me!), so now I'm feeling extra-prepared for our big climbs to come.

This afternoon, pastor Dave and his wife, Shirley, drove several of us out to a local tourist attraction called Woolaroc. Woolaroc is the 1920's/30's country home of Frank Phillips, founder of Phillips 66, converted into a wildlife preserve and museum full of cultural artifacts from the American West. The museum was really cool, and as a local Habitat volunteer who visited us put it, a great introduction to the culture of the rest of our route. Thanks so much Mr. and Mrs. Hammonds!

For dinner we had this really great hickory smoked brisket prepared by a family that used to operate a restaurant, and it's a shame that they don't anymore. I feel like I spend half of my journals talking about food, but it's really been a major treat of this trip, and we're constantly hungry!

Here's another "gem" from the Woolaroc museum--shrunken heads. Real ones--South American, early 20th c. Yeah...

The other pic-a-tures:

Welcome marquee that we rode up to yesterday at Adams Blvd. Church of Christ

Frank Phillips' lodge at Woolaroc...those are 10' 9" longhorns

Mike at the Woolaroc museum

Dinner number two at Adams Blvd: smoked brisket, beans, potato salad, fruit salad, and cake galore

Kim reads about Bike and Build on the front page of The Examiner-Enterprise (check it out)

Some of the wonderful volunteers who cooked and cleaned for us

1 comment:

freedomwheels said...

Thank for dropping by and visiting with us at Adventure Bicycle Center we really enjoyed visting with all of you. I hope you enjoyed the ride to Okasa. Say Hi to linsey and be looking for Vinny and yvonne's interview on our podcast "Oklahoma Bicycle" in a few weeks. You can find your interview at:
Have a great ride!