Saturday, June 16

On the Road Again… (Sweetwater, TN)

We left Maryville at 7:30 this morning, Friday, for a short ride (34 miles) over to Sweetwater, TN. We took some back roads leaving town that wound through rolling, pastoral hills that were really beautiful. In the early morning light they reminded me just a little of Tuscany, where Betty, the coolest godmother ever, took me after high school graduation. Okay, it was still Tennessee, but still. The ride was really nice and easy, except for a handful of flat tires. The girls I rode with are really cool, though, and soon we were changing tires like a Nascar racing team. In Sweetwater we’re staying at a National Guard Armory, which has nicely put us up in their training room. After a trip to the bike store and cutting up salads for dinner, it’ll be light’s out.

Bike odometer: 772 miles

Near Sweetwater

Close-up of that goat with a horn problem in the picture above

Stopped for some fruits (Ivey)

Mmm watermelon, no knife (Melanie and Mary Olive)

Our professional tube-changing team

*Anita and I went for a ride in the neighborhood around camp yesterday at sunset, and I’m falling in love with this place. Here are some pictures I took trying to be all arty:

These cows starting running as a herd in the same direction as our bikes when we rode by. Now we're friends.

(It's art! Don't laugh!)

1 comment:

Dan said...

very nice photos; keep taking lots of pics!