Sunday, June 24

Day of the Miracle (Memphis, TN)

I’d like to preface this post by saying that everyone in our group is okay and doing well now. We had a really scary incident this morning when Andrew, Ryan and I were riding together and Andrew was hit by a reckless pickup truck that wasn’t paying any attention to the road. Help arrived really quickly, and after two days at Memphis’s downtown hospital, he’s doing well and has maintained incredibly positive spirits throughout. Unfortunately, he’s also going to need a good bit of time to rest up at home, and won’t be able to ride with us. He’s going to be badly missed by everyone, but we’re all really grateful that he’s doing well now and that a miracle did happen today in Tennessee.

*Some pictures from last night and early this morning:

Lindsay and one of our younger hosts, trying on helmets. ALWAYS wear a helmet.

Before dinner

Lindsay, Kaitlyn, Mike and Ryan shadow dancing


Anonymous said...

Meredith, so glad you are all OK and so sorry about Andrew. I know he will be keeping up with all of you and your blogs and you are the best blogger of all.

Hope you all have enjoyed the kookie post cards. Just sending the Bartlesville ones off today so they may miss you.

Love to all of you from Peter and Jean

Love that armadillo!

John Derrick said...

Sorry about Andrew -- did they catch the pickup truck?