Tuesday, June 12

Tennessee women rock! (Maryville, TN)

It's Tuesday of our week in Maryville and we only have two build days left here. Today I went with a few other girls to a Women's Build site--a house funded, supervised, and constructed entirely by women. Even though we were only painting, a pretty mundane and non-technical job, I was super impressed with the ladies working there, and the whole atmosphere at the site, which was really friendly and supportive. We had a great lunch and even the port-a-potty smelled clean and had soap. I've never met an unfriendly Habitat supervisor, but something about the women-only environment was especially unintimidating and empowering.

After another tasty dinner of stir-fry cooked up by Anita, Melanie, Chris C and company, we're grabbing a spot of wireless at that coffee shop downtown. Ta-ta for now.

Lunch at the site (Ivey (mouth full), CVH, Lindsay)

Women's Build house

Tony and Ryan's house next door

Lindsay in the closet


Unknown said...

Sounds like you're having a blast in TN! I really enjoy keeping up with you via this blog!

I'm in MA now, just hanging out w/ family this week and start work next week. I'll keep you updated on how its all going!

Mom and Dad said...

Still reading your blogs daily. Just letting you know how much we enjor your updates. No smarty comments this time from the peanut gallery.

I am in Louisville. VBS and Mom are doing well. Off to Newark tomorrow.

Mom and Dad