Tuesday, June 26

Last Day in Arkansas (Rogers, AR)

Hello from the Iron Horse coffeeshop in dowtown Rogers, Arkansas! We all made it safely to the Rogers Activity Center, kind of like a YMCA, after a bit of bike trouble along the way. Our bikes are starting to get some serious miles on them, and a lot of people have been getting flats from their worn-out tires and today two chains broke to boot. I was lucky, though, and had one of the best days of riding in awhile. The Ozarks are possibly the prettiest territory we've biked through so far, definitely rivaling the countryside around Maryville, TN and the Blue Ridge Parkway. I rode with Anita today and we kept stopping to take pictures, visit gift shops, chat with people and mail letters home. Almost everyone we've met in Arkansas has been really friendly, and drivers are careful and courteous, too. I'm ashamed to say that I didn't know the first thing about this state before biking in, but I've been very impressed so far! Tomorrow we'll actually hit two state lines, as we'll be biking in Missouri for a few miles before hitting Oklahoma. We've picked up our pace a lot recently, and it's exciting to get more states under our belt!

Bike odometer: 1464 miles

Anita in the Ozarks

Anita and me, pointing to our bulging calf muscles

Windy road through these hills

I took these pictures about fifteen minutes apart, during and right after a rainstorm blew through

I love seeing blasted rock on both sides of the road: a sign that we're at the top of a hill and they've kindly made it a little less steep for us

Downtown Rogers...aw, one happy family


Anonymous said...

Arkansas looks so beautiful! I really wish I could be there with everyone. I'm getting a lot better, and I only need a few bandages now. I would really like to rejoin the trip soon. I'm not sure how to work it all out, but I really want to because I miss you all a lot and I would love to get back on a bike.


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