Thursday, June 28

Incredible hosts (Bartlesville, OK)

Hello from the Adams Boulevard Church of Christ in Bartlesville, OK! We've met some incredible hosts here, and I'll write more about it soon. Here are some pictures from parts of the day when it wasn't raining or flash flooding!

We left First United Methodist in Grove, OK this morning a little reluctantly, given how comfortable we were and the rain in the forecast. Fortunately, the rain held off for most of the day, and we had a nice ride over long, rolling hills. When we were stopped for lunch, a PT Cruiser pulled up next to us and an enthusiastic lady jumped out, explaining that she was a reporter from a local newspaper. After interviewing us and taking some pictures, she went on her way and we went on ours. We've heard rumor that our Bike and Build team has had way more media coverage than any of the others on the road this summer, and I have to admit we're pretty proud. We're even planning some pranks on the other teams to gloat about our sending them care packages filled with discarded flat tubes or something.

Anyhow, Liz and I were about ten miles from Bartlesville when our luck ran out and it started pouring down rain. This area of Oklahoma has experienced a lot of flash flooding recently, and when we hit town water was gushing down the road like a river. We might have gotten there faster if we had paddles, but we finally made it, laughing, to the Church of Christ, where we were welcomed by a huge marquee reading "Welcome Bike and Build, God Bless." We were ushered into their gym, where we were welcomed by volunteers and fed cookies and drinks. An entire team of people, organized by Pastor Dave Hammonds, have been working hard to provide us hospitality here, and even made up a menu for our two-day stay! Tonight we had a taco bake dinner with green beans, chips and cake that was divine. Pastor Dave even arranged for us to use wireless in the church office, and we've set up a temporary office in here. Late tonight we went out for Kim's 22nd birthday--happy birthday Kim!

Bike odometer: 1599 miles

All I know about Oklahoma comes from the lyrics of "Oklahoma" and the first few chapters of The Grapes of Wrath. But apparently it's not all plains and winds. Oklahoma has swamps, too, and lots of other cool stuff.

Vandy and Andy on the road. The roads here aren't much different from anywhere else except that they're unbelievably straight. I'd like to think we're saving on mileage by avoiding twists and turns around hills.

By the road

Steer and me

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That steer can keep it's rump roast, sirloin, tenderloin and brisket. I sure wouldn't try to butcher him. But if so inclined, you could cut off his horns and atttach them to the handlebars of your bike! You would mimic a Texas cattle baron!

Best wishes for dry days, level roads, a tail wind and most important,a fun and safe ride.

Mom and Dad