Sunday, June 10

Day off! (Maryville, TN)

Today's our first day off this summer and has been pretty quiet, so there's not much to report. We're all pretty tired from the past week, so most of us took the opportunity to sleep in late, do some reading, and check our email at the local library or coffee shops. The best entertainment of the day came at 9:30 this morning, when four or five cows, probably lost and confused, wandered up to our cabins and started mooing impatiently in our windows. I'm not making this up. A few people went outside and tried to scare them away, and eventually they wandered off, but only after waking everyone up. Oh, Tennessee.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahah, mooooo! sounds fun!! btw--though done after my last blog, i have tried durian! not bad at all actually--smells horrendous, but the taste isn't bad. i also tried all the other wierd fruits too, and mangosteen (if i'm spelling that right) was by far my favorite. we had our homestay this past weekend, so our host-Dad took us everywhere to try all of it. so nice!!

congrats on making it to tennessee! I love you're blog, keep up the hard work!

love you!
