Sunday, July 8

A much needed day off! (Colorado Springs, CO)

As usual, it's way past bedtime and I'm still at my computer, so here's something short. We've had a nice day off in Colorado Springs. We did a lot of bike shopping and I got a new helmet that actually fits safely on my head and jazzy green handlebar tape. The group decided awhile ago that we would come together to buy Andrew a new bike, which we did today, and it's shiny and red. I've been learning a lot about New Life Church and it's been...quite an experience. We went out this evening to see a cluster of rock formations called Garden of the Gods, which were really cool. Here are some pictures:

PS - Molly P has decided to go home (nearby in Colorado) for a few days to rest her shoulder before meeting up with us again in Durango. We'll miss you Molly!

Ryan, Jochem, Anita, Ivey, Melanie

Good thing I was there to hold them up

Big rock

Fun with photo editor


Deborah Barry said...

I heard this golden oldie on the radio today after not hearing it for eons and it made me think of all of you. The brother, in your version, represents all the people you have helped by bringing attention to poverty housing. Have a listen when you can - it's a great song by Rufus Wainwright, (it was also on the Zoolander soundtrack.) Enjoy with tissues in hand!

The road is long
With many a winding turn
That leads us to who knows where
Who knows when
But I'm strong
Strong enough to carry him
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.

So on we go
His welfare is of my concern
No burden is he to bear
We'll get there
For I know
He would not encumber me

If I'm laden at all
I'm laden with sadness
That everyone's heart
Isn't filled with the gladness
Of love for one another.

It's a long, long road
From which there is no return
While we're on the way to there
Why not share
And the load
Doesn't weigh me down at all
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.

He's my brother
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.

Katie Schwing said...

Yay! Glad you enjoyed Colo Springs. The New Life saga has indeed been interesting, especially working at the newspaper here. :)

Good luck on the rest of your trip!

John Derrick said...

Great Pics!