Monday, May 28

Swimming and even more hospitality! (Belhaven, NC)

Hi again from Belhaven! This morning Soule Methodist in Swan Quarter sent us off with an awesome Southern breakfast (yeast biscuits, bacon, ham, eggs, strawberries, gotta stop I'm getting hungry again). Today's leg was the second-shortest of our trip, about 34 miles, so we took our time and stopped for lots of pictures (I'm having trouble uploading them, but I'll do what I can). I'm feeling more comfortable in the saddle now, which is good news since we haven't hit any hills yet. Strangely enough, the only part of me that's really sore are my elbows, from holding myself upright on the handlebars. I think I'll have to join the "push-up/sit-up club" that a teammate founded for the extra hard-core among us.

I'm realizing that there are lots of things that I notice on a bike that I wouldn't driving. Wildlife (we've seen hawks, turtles, lots of snakes--dead and living), Queen Anne's lace and buttercups on the side of the road, the incline going up and over a bridge, and...friendly people who have pools in their backyard. As we were coming into Belhaven, we spotted some teammates in front of us splashing around in a backyard pool, where the homeowner had welcomed them to come over and take a break. Of course we had to join, and the family who welcomed us was really friendly and interested in our trip, although I never could have gotten the courage to invite myself in!

After arriving in Belhaven, we ate lunch donated by Food Lion and went swimming in the sound nearby. We're staying at a nearby home (owned by the church?), which is really comfortable. The pastor at Trinity United Methodist and a neighbor have opened up their homes and showers, and now I'm borrowing his wireless. In a few minutes we'll have barbecue, then the whole community has been invited to a festival where we'll teach bike safety classes to kids, talk about affordable housing, and celebrate Memorial Day. The kindness we've received from strangers amazes us all.

Bike odometer: 117.3 miles


Anonymous said...

Hey kiddo

Glad you had an easy ride today to remember on those hard ride days ahead. That was really special for the homeowners to open their pool to you. And I am absolutely jealous of the softshell crabs, one of my favorite foods. I am not jealous though of the sleeping arrangements!

Nana and Charles filled us in on their visit with you at Soule Methodist in Swanquarter. Sounds like you are doing pretty well. Glad to hear that your elbows are the worst part of your body for wear. It could be much worst. Have a good ride tomorrow to Greenville.

We love you and are proud of you.

Mom and Dad

Meredith said...

Thanks Dad!! See you in Chapel Hill soon :)