Wednesday, May 30

Hills! (Wake Forest, NC)

Oh man, it took a lot of effort to add an exclamation point to that one. We rode from Greenville into Wake Forest this afternoon, in a ride that took 80-88 miles depending on how far each of us got lost. Andrew’s mom, who lives in Greenville, brought us bagels for breakfast this morning, which were great (thanks Mrs. Martin!). With a good breakfast and plenty of sleep (I conked out at 9:30 last night), I was feeling pretty energized this morning—good, because the going has started to get tough. About forty miles west of Greenville, gentle slopes turned into real hills, and ninety-degree weather plus misleading directions contributed to the challenge. At the end of the day, though, we all arrived safely (minus some bruises) at North Wake Church in Wake Forest, where we had another good pizza dinner and some relaxation time, plus showers at the Y. Tomorrow: Chapel Hill!!

Biking through NC has given me an entirely new appreciation for road signs. Here are a few we passed today:

Adopt a Highway: Saint-Gobain Glass Awareness Committee (promoting glass awareness everywhere?)

Carolina Egg Development Group (comprised entirely of hens?)

And my new favorite, the caution sign for low-flying planes (the real reason we wear helmets)

People I’m thankful for today:

Mom, for insisting that she buy me a good pair of sunglasses (also protect against low-flying planes)

Dan, for being cool

Bike odometer: 258.2 miles

Some pictures from yesterday (I've added a couple to older posts as well):

Leaving Belhaven

Stopping at St. Thomas in Bath (Father Ray and me)

Granddad and Auntie Ann

Anita at a road-side produce stand

Getting shortcuts from the cashier at a strawberry farm

Mmm strawberries...

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