Tuesday, May 29

All my headings will end with exclamation! (Greenville, NC)

We had a great ride into Greenville from Belhaven today (Nana came over to Belhaven and gave us directions to avoid traffic yesterday!). Last night Trinity UM and the Christian church a few doors down hosted a festival, which allowed us to give our presentation about affordable housing and play with the little kids. Their small congregations raised $500 to give us as a donation! They even raffled off some bikes for the kids...it was great fun.

Along the way today a few of us stopped in Bath, where my grandmother lives, to visit her church, St. Thomas--the oldest church in North Carolina. Father Ray met us and showed us the chalice that George Whitfield brought over from England. It felt like going home. I felt really good on the bike today; very little of the soreness of two days ago, and 56 miles felt a lot shorter. We took lots of detours, stopping at a strawberry farm to take pictures with giant cut-out strawberries and a produce stand for fresh tomatoes. After some beautiful showers at ECU, we're relaxing at the First Penecostal Church here. More meetings tonight, but that's all for now!

Bike odometer: 174.4 miles

Some pictures from yesterday:

Lunch in Belhaven

Festival that evening

The kids loved our bikes

In the saddle

Nana hooks us up with directions


Anonymous said...

Thank you for keeping the outside world - the friends and relatives of the other bikers - informed of your events. I really enjoy reading your entries and looking at the pictures. I think you have become the group's journalist!

llj said...

HI Meredith! I didn't realize you were going on the Bike and Build trip untilI saw a linkt oyour blog in the latest partnership email. That's so awesome, I'm extremely jealous of you and look forward to keeping an eye on your blog and the trip for the rest of the summer. Best of luck, happy biking and happy building!
-Elizabeth Pratt

Meredith said...

Thank you both for your comments!! I'll do my best to keep this journal updated daily, but it's a bit difficult since our rides are getting longer and internet access depends on the hospitality of our hosts. Happy summers to you both!

John Derrick said...

Hey! I've got a CD in the mail to you, should be waiting on later down the way.... My folks swung by in Belhaven and talked to some of ya'll - they wish you well!